These seminars are offered every quarter/session. The seminars cover Resume Design, Interviewing Skills, Business Etiquette, Networking, Career Planning, and Job Search Strategies. These seminars are designed to give a more in-depth view into MAJOR TOPICS that will affect you in your job. The seminars are a fun, interactive way to obtain information that will ensure greater success in your career.
The career fairs are offered every Spring and Fall. There are many employers from all over the nation invited to this event who are interested in hiring our students for part-time and full-time positions with education in Automotive, Diesel, High Performance, HVAC, and Agricultural fields. This event is held on campus so all students can attend.
There are many local and regional employers that attend this event who are interested in hiring our students for internships, part-time, and full-time positions with an education in Accounting, Administrative Assistant, Agribusiness, Business Administration, Information Technology, Legal Assistant, Marketing and Sport Marketing, Medical Assistant, and Travel and Hotel Management. This event is held on campus so all students can attend.
1441 N. Cable Rd.
Lima, Ohio 45805
Attn: Career Services Department